NX CAM Robot Programming
During the program trainees will quickly create complex motion programs with advance robot setups by controlling external axis. With the integrated robotics programming in NX, you get the same benefits for assemblies and associativity as with other NX applications, such as CAM. Programming the motion of the milling tool can be accomplished using the same user-friendly techniques that CAM programmers enjoy.
Target Group
Engineers and B.Tech pursuing Students
One Week Program | 40 hrs
Course Outline
- Introduction to Industrial Robot operation prospect.
- Characteristic of Industrial Robot (KR-120)
- Articulated six-axis robot with support for external axes, such as positioned.
- 3D kinematic assembly modelling to define heads, holders, positioner, rails and other robotic peripherals.
- Static and dynamic analysis of collisions, reachability and singularities.
- Robotic rules control tool orientation, robot configuration, start and end poses, robot motion and positioned behaviour and OLP commands.
- A single intuitive look and feel for NX CAD, NX CAM and NX CAM Robotics programming.
- Process automation templates help you create paths and apply robot rules quickly.
- Post processing of OLP and its validation for PTP motion.
- Usage of TCP calibration and Base calibration data in OLP Programs
Key Take Aways
- Certification by AKGEC SIEMENS
- Hands-on Sessions with ROBO-MILLING setup using KR-120 robot.
- Understanding of validation of program graphically for faster output.
- Setting up your own robotic rule to maintain flexibility.
- Streamlining of programs with process automation at all levels.
- Project Based Learning.
Mode of Training
Regular : Mon – Fri (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
Part Time : Mon – Fri (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Weekend : Sat – Sun (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
Further Information
+91-9990240938 | +91-8766213734