Industrial Sensorics
This training program is aimed to introduce spectrum of sensors used in Industrial Automation. The program will also discuss the basics of sensors and integration techniques that has brought intelligent machining paradigm closer to industrial application with hands-on training sessions on integration and communication of sensors with industrial controllers, Electro – Pneumatic, and Electro – Hydraulic actuators.
Target Group
Engineers and B.Tech pursuing Students
Two Weeks Program | 80 Hrs
Course Outline
- Introduction to sensor Technology.
- Fundamental construction feature of various sensors.
- Principle & Functioning of various sensor like
- Photo Electric Sensor
- RFID Sensor
- Position and Vision Sensor
- Ultra sonic sensor.
- Sensor Integration.
- Sensor Interfacing with PLC
- Sensor Interfacing With Electro-Pneumatic
- Sensor Interfacing With Electro-Hydraulic
- Actuator-sensor Interface (ASI System)
Key Take Aways
After undergoing the programe, the participants will be able to:
- Use and implementation of various industrial sensors in Industrial Automation.
- Understand how to specify the sensor for taking real-time process data.
- Implement sensors into an automation system in both hardware and software.
- Add the sensor and sensor interface into a controller based industrial unit.
- Create hardware and firmware to process sensor signals and feed data to a controller for further evaluation.
- Study sensor signal noise and apply proper hardware techniques to reduce it to acceptable levels.
Mode of Training
Regular : Mon – Fri (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
Part Time : Mon – Fri (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Weekend : Sat – Sun (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
Further Information
+91-8802965935 | +91-9654597500